What'sBest! is an Excel ad-in that allows to create large scale optimization models in a free form layout within a spreadsheet. What'sBest! combines the proven power of Linear, Nonlinear (convex and nonconvex/Global), Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order Cone, Semi-Definite, Stochastic, and Integer optimization with Microsoft Excel -- the most popular and flexible business modelling environment in use today.

Key Benefits of What'sBest!
Easy and Fast Model Expression
LINGO's modeling language allows you to express models in a straightforward intuitive manner using summations and subscripted variables -- will help you cut your development time. It lets you formulate your linear, nonlinear and integer problems quickly in a highly readable form.
Convenient Data Options
LINGO conveniently manage your data and allows to build models and output solution information right into a database or spreadsheet making it easier to generate reports in the application of your choice.
Powerful Solvers
LINGO is available with a comprehensive set of fast, built-in solvers for Linear, Nonlinear (convex & nonconvex/Global), Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order Cone, Stochastic, and Integer optimization.
Create Interactive Turn-key Applications
You can build and solve models within LINGO, or you can call LINGO directly from an custom application written. For developing models interactively, LINGO provides a complete modeling environment to build, solve, and analyze and for building turn-key solutions, LINGO comes with callable DLL and OLE interfaces or directly from an Excel macros.
Intuitive Documentation and Help
LINGO User Manual (in printed form and available via the online Help), which fully describes the commands and features of the program.