Smart Classes: Tablet with Education Content

It is a thing of the past when teaching and learning were restricted to students physically attending classroom sessions. Flash forward to the era of digital and take online smart classes using equipment’s or interfaces like a simple smart phone or tablet. Not only is this method easy on maintenance, more interactive and user friendly, it also helps you to go green- saving all your fuel consumption while commuting and reduce the need of paper-pencil.

The Smart Learning approach provides learners of all ages and walks of life with a framework and a host of Smart Thinking Tools that motivate higher levels of understanding. Through the process learners activate and build background knowledge, process information, transform their learning into a product that shows what they know, and reflect on their learning. Structured talk and assessment as and for learning are carefully woven into the process to build a thoughtful context for learning and to advance the thinking of all learners. Smart Learning realizes the goal of polishing the pebbles, with self-paced learning options. Our application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of educational courses or training programs is also very robust and user-friendly. It helps the instructor deliver course material to the students, administer tests and other assignments, track student progress, and manage records on daily basis. Data and course modules can also be stored online which can be accessed by enrolled participants on the move.

Tablet Based e-Learning Solution

A powerful hardware and software solution that enables interactive, integrated and engaging custom e-learning environment for digital classrooms. We work with educational institutions to setup student centric digital lab to entail fun learning and help teachers to become personalized facilitator for holistic growth of the students.

  • Fun and interactive way of learning.
  • Regular Evaluation.
  • 1:1 interaction between teacher and student.
  • Learning anywhere and anytime, on the move.
  • Cloud based content delivery.
  • Progress report for teacher, student & Parents.

Smart Class Room Solution (Interactive White Board & Device)

Smart class creates an environment of two-way communication between teacher and student and this interactive part of education makes it more engaging and fun experience for students. We have well-acclaimed industry standard smart class solution in both hardware and in multimedia software to convey content which is designed by academicians to impart holistic education for participants enrolled in course. Designed to make classrooms, a fun place to be, to get every student involved actively in the learning process, which is a highly interactive and comprehensive solution.

Our smart class room solution has exhaustive repository of content. Lessons / modules consist of audio-visual, 2D and 3D animation and graphics to provide students better understanding of concepts which helps grow their creativity and out of box thinking.

Moreover, our lessons are based on NCERT school syllabus with custom solutions to cater to the requirement (both hardware & software) of enrolled candidates.

Case Studies

Some of our industry wise featured case studies