Oracle Crystal Ball Decision Optimizer

Oracle crystal ball decision optimizer is an optimization tool that provides the advanced capabilities of optimization to the power of Monte Carlo simulation. It is an add-in to crystal ball that enhances simulation models by automatically searching for and finding optimal solutions.

Key Benefits of Oracle Crystal Ball

Increase revenue and Maximizing growth

Increase revenue and Maximizing growth while optimizing your ability to react effectively to market disruptions and random events.

Decrease costs

Decrease costs by generating sensitivity charts that identify which variables have the biggest impact on your costs.

Improve productivity.

Save time by using simulations to quickly and automatically model and visualize thousands of “what if” scenarios.

Enhance quality

Meet quality objectives by using simulation results and capability metrics to determine optimal product specifications and defect tolerances.

Features of Oracle Crystal Ball

  • Monte Carlo simulation, analysis tools, and reports
  • Crystal Ball and CB Predictor developer kits
  • Category publish and subscribe
  • Correlation and fitting
  • Capability metrics
  • Crystal Ball tools
  • CB Predictor
  • OptQuest
  • OptQuest developer kit

Case Studies

Some of our industry wise featured case studies