Oracle Crystal Ball Enterprise Performance Management

Improve your strategic planning by using the tools of forecasting, simulation, and optimization for your Oracle EPM applications. Mitigate key risk factors and quantify the risks underlying your forecasts to improve forecast accuracy.

  • Add the statistical rigor of Crystal Ball forecasting to budgeting process managed in Oracle Hyperion Planning
  • Use Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office to access data from your EPM applications, including Oracle Hyperion Strategic Finance, Oracle Hyperion Planning, and Oracle Essbase, in Excel and directly apply Oracle Crystal Ball to model your risks and predict success
  • Share your Oracle Crystal Ball workbooks and analysis across the enterprise using Oracle EPM Workspace
  • Enhance the quality and accuracy of critical financial and operational EPM forecasts
  • Share your findings through graphs, charts, and reports to support decisions
  • Identify and mitigate the key inputs that drive risk

Key Benefits of Oracle Crystal Ball

Increase revenue and Maximizing growth

Increase revenue and Maximizing growth while optimizing your ability to react effectively to market disruptions and random events.

Decrease costs

Decrease costs by generating sensitivity charts that identify which variables have the biggest impact on your costs.

Improve productivity

Save time by using simulations to quickly and automatically model and visualize thousands of “what if” scenarios.

Enhance quality

Meet quality objectives by using simulation results and capability metrics to determine optimal product specifications and defect tolerances.

Features of Oracle Crystal Ball

  • Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Forecast Charts
  • Capability Metrics
  • Correlation and Fitting
  • CB Predictor
  • CB Developer Kits
  • Scenario Analysis and Tornado Charts
  • Bootstrapping
  • Batch Fitting
  • Enterprise Intigration
  • Database Connectivity

With this flexible tool, you can solve problems in which uncertainty and variability have traditionally distorted forecasts and make better decisions to impact your bottom line.

Case Studies

Some of our industry wise featured case studies